Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Work should be fun. Pick on your cube mates.

We're all horrible people at work usually kidding each other a lot. One of my cubicle neighbors has a sheep fetish, er, alleged sheep fetish after he knew too much about human/sheep interactions. He told us during one of his first days on the job that the way to have proper "relations" with a sheep is to wear boots and put the hind legs of the sheep in your boots - and walk up to the edge of a cliff so the sheep keeps backing up to you. I kid you not! Did I mention that many times people set themselves up for the joke?

We had been talking about the "Dance, dance, revolution" game on PS/2 and how some people use it to lose weight.

Another cubemate says, "We have that game."

"You play it?"

"No, I don't have any coordination."

"Where do your kids get their coordination from?"

"My wife. She plays the game. She used to be a dancer."

Hold my tongue... too late.

"Did it involve a stage and a pole?"


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