Open source provides better support?
So we have a crappy CRM system that we're going to replace. We've been looking at various products and an open source CRM product popped up on the radar. SugarCRM was open source and looked like a product that might make a good replacement for our CRM product.
I was interested in actually getting support for a product. Our current product support sucks. Heck, our current product sucks. The sales sucks, the code sucks, the upgrades suck, and the support sucks.
So I wrote an e-mail to the sales team for SugarCRM asking questions. I got nada. Zip.
If the sales team can't even answer questions from potential customers, how good are they treating their existing customers?
We'll continue the hunt. Open source would be good because all these closed source products have been nothing but painful and it would be good to be able to see what is going on instead of calling support and finding out it's in India and they know nothing about the application and they never call us back.