Politics as usual
New administration, politics as usual.
First rant, the Republicans. What's this new fiscal responsibility you have? Last eight years you've been willing to dole out money to corporations and your own special causes. Now that the country needs some fiscal stimulus, you want tax cuts? News Flash - we've had eight years of tax cuts and we're in a mess. If you give the people more money, they'll just hold onto it because they're scared. The country needs jobs and infrastructure work.
Second rant, the Democrats. You have congress and you have the White House. Instead of putting tons of crap in a bill and getting it to the President's desk, why not have a bunch of smaller bills. You'd get them through faster since they're easier to read and vote on. If the Republicans vote down every single one, you have proof of their behavior. I understand this is the way it's always been done, but man, change for the times please. At least this way people will not be as tempted to load the bills with pork.
Third rant, helping Wall Street. Who is the idiot handed out cash to Wall Street for worthless assets? Parting gift from the Bush administration to friends? Man, that just burns me up. The Republicans complain about spending all kinds of money, but they toss it left and right to their friends with little or no oversight. Heck, even Iraq was proof of that.
Fourth rant. Distribution of wealth. It seems that as more of a nations wealth is concentrated in fewer people, the country suffers. This is because normally, money going to less wealthy people mostly gets spent and cycled into the economy. Money going to the uber rich tends to accumulate and doesn't cycle. We are entering in a time where more money is concentrated into fewer people any time since the first great depression of the 1930's. I would think that rich people need to pay more in taxes if only for the fact that everyone else is suffering. As much as I like 15% capital gains taxes, the rich have abused this and it needs to end. Something more reasonable needs to occur.
People are angry out there. Even the middle class are angry with what is going on. The government is throwing around billions of dollars like candy. Lobbyists are trying to get their share. The government is corrupt. Corporations are corrupt. CEO's are corrupt. The people peacefully revolted in November. Let's see if things can get cleaned up. It's obvious that there needs to be regulation. Hedge funds need oversight. Congress needs oversight. Companies need real oversight.