Thursday, October 21, 2010

In the US, we're having mid term elections in a couple of weeks and it's clear that people who vote here are a bunch of idiots.

Take Delaware where the Republicans threw out their moderate Republican so a crazy lady named Christine O'Donnell could run in his place for the seat. How could this woman get picked in a primary? Besides lacking in experience and having no brains whatsoever, well, is there more? And still, we have 40% of the electorate in that state willing to vote for her as I type. Amazing.

It's not just Delaware. The "tea party" has picked wackos across the country. I am absolutely amazed that these tea party candidates are viable and sometimes leading in an election. Their campaign is based on anger, hatred, and fear. Oh, and they're going to cut spending. Like they slept through the years 2001-2008 when they were really needed.

I understand the anger. I'm pissed at the people that got our economy in this state. I'm pissed that I don't see people going to jail over obvious fraud. I'm pissed that there aren't changes to prevent this in the future. I'm pissed that we're going to be paying for this for years. I'm pissed that the Republicans do anything but say no to all legislation. I'm pissed that the median income of people in this country declined over the last 10 years. I'm pissed that rich people are even richer by taking advantage of the system. I'm pissed that the Koch brothers are dumping money into the coffers of tea party candidates anonymously to influence elections with their extreme right wing views. I'm pissed that bagels are getting smaller and more expensive. But now the party that was in charge during the mess may be given a chance to "clean it up". The only thing the Republicans are good for these days is fattening the wallets of the ultra rich.

I feel sad for the country that the majority of the people don't have a voice and corporations have a large voice with their money and can influence votes that are not in this country's interest. We're on our way to becoming a banana republic.
